Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Adjectives and Genders in Serbian - 1

Many of my students have asked me to create a series of video lessons or similar teaching materials dedicated only to adjectives contrasting Masculine and Feminine forms. Here comes the first one in this series - something reeeeaaaaally simple:

Made with ToonyTool.com

Masculine Sg. of hungry>>> gladAn
Feminine Sg. of hungry >>> gladnA
Neuter Sg. of hungry >>> gladNo

Exercise with this photo lesson

  1. Ko je gladan? Who is hungry?
  2. On je gladan! He is hungry!
  3. Ona je gladna! She is hungry!
  4. Ja nisam gladan! I am not hungry!

Here comes a trick question: Da li sam JA dečko ili devojčica? Am I (JA in sentence 4) a boy or a girl?

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