Happy Easter = Srećan Uskrs with a new exercise based on this beautiful song:Serbian Easter - Vaskrs & UskrsLjudi Likujte
Check out my previous Easter posts - Serbian Easter Tag.Serbian Easter Songs The Cyrillic VersionЉуди ликујте, народи чујте:Христос воскресе,Радост донесе!Звезде играјте, горе...
Google Tag Head
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Monday, March 27, 2023
Video Exercise with Collocations in SerbianDanas možete da vežbate interesantan tekst na temu osmeha koji je obišao svet uz sledeće materijale:Video vežba sa izgovorom
Vežba koju možete sami da radite
Tekst o Stani Tomašević
Video vežba sa kolokacijama bazirana na tekstu o Stani Tomašević
Saturday, January 21, 2023
If you liked my previous posts with exercises based on Pepa Prase cartoons, you'll like the new series with video quizzes. Let's start with a super easy one from Serbian 102 course :DSimple Listening Tasks for Learning Serbian Or click the link!Serbian Listening Comprehension SkillsLet's watch this short...
Friday, January 13, 2023
Perfective and Imperfective Aspect in Serbian through TensesI guess you will like the following exercises focusing only on the verbs TO BUY and TO VISIT, both in the perfective and imperfective aspect & through different tenses. Let me know in the comment if you would like more exercises like these two?POSETITI - POSEĆIVATI...
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Listening Exercise in SerbianWhat can you buy for 1000 Dinars? Šta možete da kupite za 1000 dinara?Let's watch the video together and answer this question:One way to do this exercise is simply by jotting down the words you understandIf your Serbian is at a higher level, you can jot down what each person says. While...
Monday, January 09, 2023
Danas vežbamo srpski uz zanimljivu priču o lisicama :) Pre nego što odslušamo ovu priču, šta mislite šta su odgovori na ova pitanja:Šta znači reč "lisica"?Šta znači "lukav kao lisica"? Kada Vi osećate hladnoću? Šta vas najbolje greje zimi? Šta se menja zimi? Šta znači briž...
Saturday, January 07, 2023
How to Greet People on Christmas Day in Serbia Merry Christmas & Srećan Božić with a few great blog posts from the previous years and one brand new video about Christmas:How to pronounce Christmas greetings in Serbian ( published in 2012) - click Great SMS Christmas messages to send & free Serbian...
Monday, November 21, 2022
Let me share with you one more listening comprehension exercise for intermediate Serbian, from the course Serbian 401. Poslušajmo Jeremijinu životnu priču o tome kako je napravio Muzej hleba. Posle slušanja pokušajte da odgovorite na pitanja i da uradite vežbu sa ključnim rečima. Vežba razumevanja na srpskom...
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Danas delim sa vama jedan odličan video o životnim temama i sa odličnim vokabularom koji ćete sresti u svakodnevnim razgovorima na srpskom. Pravi autentični tekst, dušu dao za učenje i vežbanje srpskog :) O životu u Dubaiju
p.s. ako mislite da devojka prebrzo priča, slobodno izaberite 0.75 brzinu (dole desno)Listen...
Friday, September 30, 2022
Are the words "koga, kome & kim" the same as who?In the previous post about Question words in Serbian, I covered just the main bunch of questions, such as ko, šta, gde, kada, zašto, kako, čiji, koliko. Today we are focusing only on WHO and its many forms. To understand and start using them correctly, you'll need to...
common phrases,
phrases in Serbian,
Serbian 501
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Question Words in SerbianWith all the question words changing according to the cases, I bet it's pretty confusing when it comes to asking WH questions in Serbian. That's why I'll share a series of posts with question words in Serbian. The first one is going to be an easy one, with the basic questions such as:KAD -...
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Let me share with you one lesson from the brand new Serbian Phrases course I've been working on. As you can see from the table of contents, it covers a lot of phrases used in various situations:Serbian Phrases - Table of ContentsSituations in SerbianGeneral phrasesGreetings - Saying hello and goodbyeTalking about...