a. in Singular or Plural
b. Masculine/Feminine/Neuter
c. in different cases
I advise you to learn them in the context and practise one group at a time.
Therefore, I will start with a series of simple formulas with exercises. Feel free to ask questions or post the answers in the comment or to my email under the profile.
Here is a kind of formula for Singurlar + Nominative combination of an ADJECTIVE + NOUN:
Singular & Nominative
1. Adjective + Masculine Noun = zanimljiv tekst (interesting text)
2. AdectiveA + Feminine Noun = zanimljivA knjiga (interesting book)
3. AdjectiveO + Neuter Noun = zanimljivO selo (interesting village)
Exercise: add an adjective with the appropriate ending in front of the following nouns:
adjectives: LEP / JAK / VISOK / VELIK / SKUP
- ___________ knjiga.
- ___________ momak.
- ___________ auto.
- ___________ kosa.
- ___________ zgrada.
- ___________ kuća.
- ___________ sto.
- ___________ torba.
- ___________ dete.
- ___________ zrno.
1 comment:
I got the first homework which included adjective+translation of the noun + noun gender ! Bravo!
ps. zrno = grain (gender - neuter)
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