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Friday, July 24, 2009

Listening comprehension exercise in Serbian

Listen to this short reportage on the statue of Rocky in a Serbian village.

Then read the following questions and try to answer them:

MINUTES> 00:00 - 00:22

1. Where is the statue being made?

2. What will happen in August?

MINUTES> 00:22 - 00:36

3. When did the sculptor begin his work?

4. When is he going to finish?

MINUTES> 00:55 - 01:12

5. Where is the sculptor from?

6. Whose idea was it to make the statue?

MINUTES> 01:09 - 01:39

7. Where is Bojan from ?

8. What is Bojan's plan?

MINUTES> 01:40 - 01:50

9. Who made the first statue of Rocky?

10. How many such statues are there in the world?

MINUTES> 01:56 - 02:15

11. What is Zoran Batic talking about?

12. How many internet sites does he mention?

MINUTES> 02:25 - 02:35

13. What will the statue be made of?

14. How much will the statue weigh?


Marina said...

The Answer Key

1. Žitište
2. podiže se statua Rokiju
3. pre mesec dana
4. za tridesetak dana
5. iz Dalja
6. Bojan Marčeta
7. iz banatskog sela Žitište
8. Da stupi u kontakt sa Silvesterom Staloneom
9. Thomas Schomberg
10. dve
11. o toj vesti
12. preko 17000 stranica
13. od betona
14. oko 1000 kilograma
As this exercise is for the advanced students, I didn't make any translations.

Anonymous said...

Where are some beginner lessons I can take? I am from the States and plan on traveling to Serbia soon I am interested in learning as much conversational and medical Seribian as I can in a short amoun of time 3-6 months. I am a fast learner, I learned conversational Albianian in 2 months for a trip out there.

Marina said...

Hi there and thanks for your comment. Let me give you the link to my free SerbianLessons with short videos: http://serbianlesson.com/lessons/serbian-beginner/ I'm sure you'll find http://www.udemy.com/serbian-for-beginners-101/ quite useful or you can take private lessons online via http://www.myngle.com/users/MarinaPetrovic

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