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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Body parts in Serbian

A few days ago Nat, AhoyEnglish sent me this lovely pic with body parts in four languages. Let's listen to Ivan's pronunciation of the words and how they can be used in the context.

Let's start with Fem. Sg. nouns:


*Šta se desilo ? (What's happened?)
**Boli me ruka. (My hand hurts)
*Ruka? Kako si povredio rukU? (Hand? How did you hurt your hand?)
**Sankao sam se i onda sam pao i povredio je.(I was sledding and then I fell over and hurt it: 'her' nju = je = it for Feminine Sg. nouns in accusative)
Now you do the same for noga, šaka, glava: (the answer key is in the comment)

Neuter Sg. nouns:

Uvo (ear)

*Šta se desilo ? (What's happened?)
**Boli me rame. (My shoulder hurts)
*Rame? Kako si povredio rame? (Shoulder? How did you hurt your rame?)
**Sankao sam se i onda sam pao i povredio ga.(I was sledding and then I fell over and hurt it : njega = ga = it for Neuter and Masculine Sg. nouns in accusative)

Masculine Sg. nouns:


*Šta se desilo ? (What's happened?)
**Boli me lakat. (My elbow hurts)
*Lakat? Kako si povredio lakat? (Elbow? How did you hurt your elbow?)
**Sankao sam se i onda sam pao i povredio ga.(I was sledding and then I fell over and hurt it : 'him' njega = ga = it for Neuter and Masculine Sg. nouns in accusative).

Sooooo, what are the sufixes for Accusative case in Singular, for the following genders
(1) Fem.?
(2) Neu.?
(3) Masc.?
For more information about Accusative you can check this document published by Larisa Zlatić

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