Take a look at the previous blogpost and let's try to explain why (ZAŠTO) we are waiting for someone or something.
Čekamo mamu da idemo u prodavnicu.
We are waiting for my mum to go to the shop.
Now. Let's do it together using 'we' (MI):
1. Čekamo autobus da idemo u Beograd.
2. Čekamo tatu da idemo na pijacu. (market)
3. Čekamo priljatelje da idemo na ručak. (lunch/dinner)
4. Čekamo rođake (relatives) da idemo na izlet. (picnic)
5. Čekamo decu (kids) da idemo na sajam. ( fair)
6. Čekamo roditelje (parents) da idemo u galeriju porcelana. (porcelain gallery)
Audio by Ivan
***** Now, you try the same but imagine you are talking about your friends :o)
Example: (Oni) čekaju mamu da idu u prodavnicu.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Serbian Noun Declension practice
verb conjugations in Serbian
Šta radiš? What are you doing?
Šta radiš? What are you doing?

About Marina
An EFL Teacher since 1995 and Serbian language teacher online since 2008. CEO of SerbianLessons.com, Skolasrpskog.com, enjoying teaching online and creating digital teaching materials for learning languages online.
verb conjugations in Serbian
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