Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Thursday, January 27, 2011


Свети Сава - Школска Слава

Свим читаоцима ЛеарнСербианБлог-а честитам школску славу! Желим да искористим ову прилику да свечано  отворим  онлајн школу српског где ћете моћи да уживате у интерактивним материјалима као што су активатор српског језика, онлајн магазин и њузлетер.

Sveti Sava - Školska Slava

Svim čitaocima LearnSerbianBlog-a čestitam školsku slavu! Želim da iskoristim ovu priliku da svečano  otvorim skolasrpskog.com, onlajn školu srpskog gde ćete moći da uživate u interaktivnim materijalima kao što su aktivator srpskog jezika, onlajn magazin i njuzleter (SerbianSchoolActivator newsletter).

St Sava - School Day

Merry St. Sava - a special day which is celebrated in all Serbian schools worldwide. I'd like to use this opportunity to officially open skolasrpskog.com -  Online School of Serbian where you can enjoy the interactive language learning materials, such as:
  • ACTIVATOR of the Serbian language
  • online MAGAZINE
  • monthly NEWSLETTER*
*SkolaSrpskogActivator newsletter costs $9.90 a month and it is for all of you who need someone to guide them, inspire them and push them to use the Serbian language EVERY DAY. That's why all the subscribers of this newsletter will get  an update each week with the variety of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities. When you subscribe to the list, you'll be able to access:
  • special activator PAGES with links to the audio forum
  •  interactive VIDEOS based on these pages
  • weekly LIVE ONLINE 50 min session ( with  the recording) 
  • RECIPE of the week
  • SONG of the week

Two years after: SkolaSrpskog Activator now exists as a free newsletter. The original Serbian School Activator took place from February 2011 to December 2011, and it was transformed into my Serbian 101, 102, 201 and now 202 and 301 courses, which can be purchased via Udemy.

I want to thank Janice, Antonio, Lara, Mirko, Tina, Sylvina. Mathew and Jelena for perservering and keeping up with the following courses on Udemy. Hvala !

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