Srećan Uskrs svim pratiocima Bloga :)
Happy Easter to all the followers of blog :)
Here's the link to the pronunciation of Happy Easter in Serbian (Srećan Uskrs) and
a commonly used phrases: Hristos vaskrse! Vaistinu vaskrse!
I hope you enjoyed listening to the beautiful Easter song and preparing an Easter bunny cake. Now, if you'd like to reward yourself, find out about Serbian School Easter Egg Hunt by joining "Learn Serbian Podcast" FaceBook group and reading about the prizes and how to claim them:
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Friday, April 22, 2011
Srećan Uskrs :-)

About Marina
An EFL Teacher since 1995 and Serbian language teacher online since 2008. CEO of,, enjoying teaching online and creating digital teaching materials for learning languages online.
Serbian holidays
Serbian holidays