Learn Serbian

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Serbian Video Lessons

You can access the full version with pronunciation, explanations and numerous interactive lessons either via Serbian 101 course. Here comes the useful vocabulary from the video lesson:
1. je iz = is from
2. on živi = he lives
3. u = in
4. sa = with
5. supruga = spouse (fem.)
6. troje = three
7. deca = children
8. njegova = his
9. žena = wife
10 zvati se = to be called
11. imati = to have
12. godina = year
13. raditi = to work
14. kao =as
15. inspektor = inspector
16. slobodno vreme = free time
17. igrati = to play
18. ići = to go
19. pozorište = theatre

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