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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Collocation with "videti" in Serbian

While there are so many useful tools to check your spelling / grammar / vocabulary / idioms / pronunciation ... for the English language, there are just a few such tools for Serbian (I listed them in the sidebar to the right and I (ir)regularly send them to all the Serbian Activator subscribers).

One of the most useful things a student need, starting from the pre-intermediate level is to know verb collocations. That's why I'll try to connect the verbs and nouns from the previous posts and write a list of the most common collocations for the verb "to see" (videti):

  • Verbs and phrases commonly used after "to see"
  1. vidim kako ... (np. vidi kako se to radi)
  2. vidimo se ponovo
  3. vidi taj izraz
  4. vidi da li ima ... (np. vidi da li ima hleba)
  5. vidi šta ... (np. vidi šta nam treba)
  6. vidi kako mi stoji (for example when you're trying sth. on, this phrase means "look how / if it suits=fits me" )
  • Words before "to see"
  1. mogu videti / da vidim
  2. samo vidi
  3. želim da vidim
  4. volim da vidim
  5. dođi da vidiš
  6. zapanjio bi se da vidiš...
  7. drago mi je da vas vidim
  • Adverbs collocated with "to see"
  1. + (ne)jasno (if a + is before the word, it means that the verb "videti" comes before that word. For example : videti + (ne)jasno = + (ne)jasno)
  2. jedva + 
  3. odjednom + (commonly in the past tense: odjednom sam video)
  4. tačno + 
  5. + kristalno-jasno
  6. slabo +
Do you have any other ideas which "videti" collocations are worth adding to the list ?

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