Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

New Lesson to Practice Accusative in Serbian

After two months of adjusting an old course of mine to the new set of quality criteria at Udemy, Serbian 102 has been approved and is visible for anyone interested in learning Serbian at pre-intermediate level. I'm adding now additional new video lessons such as this one:

 Accusative in Serbian


and quizzes:

Quizzes with  Accusative in Serbian

TEST - 15 rečenica

Example with Sg. JA + IĆI + CRKVA >>> Idem u crkvu
Example with Pl. TI + VIDETI + MOSTOVI >>> Vidiš mostove



Pronunciation of Exercise 

You can record a similar story with www.Vocaroo.com


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