How do you like my first pro conjugation video?
Now that I have all the tools, I am sure you'll all enjoy my short video lessons about:
- verb conjugations in Serbian, both in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.
- short video stories, based on the video with conjugations
- short dialogues based on the texts and Serbian Phrases
- videos explaining Serbian idioms
- easy Serbian songs and chants for kids
Još jednom ogromno hvala mojim dragim pratiocima i učenicima koji pomažu održavanje ovog bloga i sve bolji kvalitet video lekcija srpskog jezika. Moje nove lekcije će izgledati super zahvaljujući Mirku, Milici i Milenki, Lari, Matiji, Dejanu i Danijeli, Marion, Pavlu, Dejvidu, Niku i Dženi i Jani!!!