Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Serbian Verbs Conjugated - To Live

I have tried to make simple conjugation videos before, but was never satisfied with what they looked and sounded like. Last week, thanks to my dedicated patrons on Patreon and my students of Serbian whom I've been teaching for years, I was able to afford the first professional version of the software which I have always dreamt of.  HVALA!!!

How do you like my first pro conjugation video?

Now that I have all the tools, I am sure you'll all enjoy my short video lessons about:

  1. verb conjugations in Serbian, both in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.
  2. short video stories, based on the video with conjugations
  3. short dialogues based on the texts and Serbian Phrases
  4. videos explaining Serbian idioms
  5. easy Serbian songs and chants for kids
Još jednom ogromno hvala mojim dragim pratiocima i učenicima koji pomažu održavanje ovog bloga i sve bolji kvalitet video lekcija srpskog jezika. Moje nove lekcije će izgledati super zahvaljujući Mirku, Milici i Milenki, Lari, Matiji, Dejanu i Danijeli, Marion, Pavlu, Dejvidu, Niku i Dženi i Jani!!! 

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