Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Saturday, August 12, 2017

How to Practice Speaking Serbian?

If you'd like to practice speaking Serbian and you don't have a clue how, the best way is to do the following:

  1. Pick any of the video lessons I created on my Youtube channel SerbianLessons. For example this one: adjectives in Serbian  
  2. After listening and repeating after me (for as many times as you wish), play the video again, but mute it
  3. Turn on the www.Vocaroo.com / or any other voice recording platform/service and record yourself speaking while watching the muted video
  4. Save your Vocaroo (click Save, and you'll see a shareable link below - don't share it with the world, but simply send it to me to check it out and give you the video feedback - this can be arranged while I still have time)

Speaking Exercise Video - Informal Greetings

With this video the idea is to read the dialogue and fill in the gaps yourself, until the end where you have to remember everything on your own :) The version with the explanation and slow pronunciation is coming tomorrow!

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