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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Serbian 401 - Must in Serbian

Must and Had to in Serbian - Serbian 401 

There is a series of lessons in Serbian 401 course about Dragana, Zvonko and Boris. This is an introductory one where your task is to guess what they do for living based on the short text. 

The first step would be to see which of the following modal verbs are missing in these three short texts:

MORATI  (have to ) - SMETI  (be allowed to) - MOĆI (can) 
NE MORATI (not have to ) - NE SMETI (mustn't) - NE MOĆI (cannot)

Must be  = mora da je 

  • Ako Dragana radi u operacionoj sali, znači da radi u bolnici i  može biti lekar, medicinska sestra ili anesteziolog. 
  • Ako Zvonko radi u sudu, ali samo po pozivu, onda mora da je sudski veštak.
  • Ako boris puno putuje, upoznaje puno uspešnih ljudi i mora da trenira mozak svakog dana, može biti ili menadžer/direktor ili simultani prevodilac. 

Must, Can and Mustn't in Serbian - Exercise

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