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Monday, August 15, 2022

Serbian 102 - Locative Exercises

Today we are practicing how to say where you are in Serbian with the following words: 

Places in City in Serbian

  1. BANK: Banka - u banci 
  2. CHURCH: Crkva - u crkvi 
  3. BUILDING: Zgrada - u zgradi
  4. GALLERY: Galerija - u galeriji 
  5. PHARMACY: Apoteka - u apoteci 
  6. MUSEUM: Muzej - u muzeju
  7. PARKING: Parking - na parkingu
  8. AERODROM: Aerodrom - na aerodromu 

Gde ste? Where are you?

Time to practice pronunciation

Serbian 102 - Locative Exercises

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