Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Saturday, January 21, 2023

Serbian 102 - Simple Listening Tasks with Pepa Prase

 If you liked my previous posts with exercises based on Pepa Prase cartoons, you'll like the new series with video quizzes. Let's start with a super easy one from Serbian 102 course :D

Simple Listening Tasks for Learning Serbian 

Or click the link!

Serbian Listening Comprehension Skills

Let's watch this short dialogue and follow the text (the "notes" section, at the top right)!

Useful Vocabulary

  • Veoma = prilično = baš = quite

  • Hajde da = let’s

  • Obući odeću = to put on clothes

  • Topliju odeću = warmer clothes

  • Kapa = cap

  • Kape = caps

  • Šal = scarf

  • Šalove = scarves

  • Kaput = coat

  • Kaputi = coats

  • Podići = to raise

  • Krov = roof

  • Uključiti grejanje =to turn on heat

  • Grejanje  = heat

  • Udobno = comfortable

  • Svima = to everyone 

  • Krenuti = to set off, to leave for, to start going somewhere 

  • Krenimo = let’s go

  • Stići = to arrive

  • Stizati = to be arriving 

  • List = leaf

  • Lišće = leaves 

  • Zašto = why?

  • Igrati se  = to play

  • Hajde da se igramo = let’s play 

  • Ostati zagrejan = to keep warm

  • Red = turn

  • Moj je red = it’s my turn

For Quizlets, grammar tests and games, join my Patreon page :) Hvala!

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