In the course of the past ten years, there's been a lot of posts about Orthodox Easter. I covered different topics, from the greetings to video stories about it, songs and songs . However, I still haven't written about one of the kids' most favourite tradition: egg tapping or "kucanje jajima".
To see what it looks like in one local community, I'm sharing a video about Easter egg fight from 2014, along with the listening comprehension quiz. For an easier quiz based video with basic greetings and common Easter phrases, check out my blog on Patreon.
Ћирилични задатак: одслушајте видео и допуните празна места. Резултат је у коментару :)
Latinični zadatak: odslušajte video i dopunite prazna mesta. Rezultat je u komentaru :)
Let me share with you what Wikipedia says about it:
Egg tapping, or also known as egg fight, egg knocking, egg pacqueing, egg boxing, egg picking, [1] or egg jarping is a traditional Easter game.
The rule of the game is simple. One holds a hard-boiled egg and taps the egg of another participant with one's own egg intending to break the other's, without breaking one's own. As with any other game, it has been a subject of cheating; eggs with cement, alabaster, and even marble cores have been reported.[2]
To see what it looks like in one local community, I'm sharing a video about Easter egg fight from 2014, along with the listening comprehension quiz. For an easier quiz based video with basic greetings and common Easter phrases, check out my blog on Patreon.
Ћирилични задатак: одслушајте видео и допуните празна места. Резултат је у коментару :)
- Милица је добила ово јаје од ________ .
- Милица има ________ година.
- Милица је ________ у куцању ускршњим јајима.
- Ово је ________ такмичење у куцању јаја.
- Деца знају да код куће треба да направе ________ турнир.
- Данас је било ________деце.
- Све је протекло у ________ духу.
Latinični zadatak: odslušajte video i dopunite prazna mesta. Rezultat je u komentaru :)- Milica je dobila ovo jaje od ________ .
- Milica ima ________ godina.
- Milica je ________ u kucanju uskršnjim jajima.
- Ovo je ________ takmičenje u kucanju jaja.
- Deca znaju da kod kuće treba da naprave ________ turnir.
- Danas je bilo ________dece.
- Sve je proteklo u ________ duhu.