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Showing posts with label Serbian 701. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian 701. Show all posts
Monday, October 25, 2021
With so many youtube videos with beautiful Serbian songs being deleted, I somehow stopped creating blog posts covering this topic, although I keep using songs in my lessons on a regular basis. However, with a new tool at hand, I'll be able to recreate all my song-exercises and post them on my server with exercises based on the lyrics.
Let me start with the beautiful song "It's not worth crying" - NE VREDI PLAKATI, Zvonko Bogdan
Exercises with Serbian Songs
how to learn Serbian,
Serbian 701,
serbian songs
Monday, July 12, 2021
Ako vam se svidela prva lekcija kursa Serbian 701, vreme je da nastavimo dalje. Hajde da odgledamo drugu epizodu bez slušanja i pretpostavimo šta se dešava i o čemu pričaju :)
Serbian 701 uz Državni posao
- Vežbe slušanja (od 4m48s do kraja)
Opisati šta PRETPOSTAVLJAŠ da se dešava na samom kraju i šta jedni drugom kažu
Na samom KRAJU vidimo Boškića i Čvarkova koji sede u kancelariji.
Serbian 701 - vežbe uz drugu epizodu
Odgovoriti na specifična pitanja o tekstu
Ko se sve nalazi u kancelariji?
Ko hoće da ode sa posla ranije?
Kako njegov šef reaguje na to?
Zašto Boškić mora da ode sa posla ranije?
Zašto mu šef to dozvoljava?
Koga Čvarkov pozdravlja?
Da li se Boškić zahvaljuje šefu?
Serbian 701 - vežbamo redosled reči
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Another fun lesson from Serbian 701 Online Course, based on the following video:
Serbian 701 - Speaking Practice
1. Firstly, you can simply watch the video without listening, trying to guess what might be happening by using the following phrases:
a. sigurno
b. verovatno
c. možda
Serbian 701 - Listening Comprehension
2. Next, you can now watch the video again from the same second and try to figure out what each interviewee says about their favorite football team. O čemu pričaju?
a. Za koji tim oni navijaju?
b. Odakle su?
c. Kako su zavoleli ovaj tim?
ZA Prefix in Context
3. Finally, let's compare how the following verbs are used
a. voleti - zavoleti
Volim ovaj fudbalski tim. Zavolela sam ih kad sam bila prvi put na njihovoj utakmici.
b. čuditi se - začuditi se
Čudim se tvom izboru fudbalskog tima, posebno sam se začudila kad sam videla da tim nije iz Srbije.
c. grejati se - zagrejati se
Nikad se nismo grejali na plin, koristimo samo centralno grejanje.
Kad si se zagrejao baš za tu kompjutersku igricu?
d. misliti - zamisliti
Nikad nisam mislio da ću navijati za Liverpul! Zamisli mene pre pet godina, nisam ni znao gde je Liverpul, ni šta je fudbal :D
e. početi - započeti
Kada počinješ da se spremaš za utakmicu? Hajde, nemoj gnjaviti...kad nešto započneš, to i završi!
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Serbian Reading Comprehension
Ovo je jedna vrlo vežba za koju vam nije dovoljno samo dobro poznavanje srpskog jezika, već i izuzetno izoštreni kriterijumi kritičnog mišljenja. Tema je veoma ozbiljna - brazilski orah.Serbian Reading Comprehension - Highly Advanced
Pročitajte kratke tekstove na istu temu sa nekoliko sajtova i odgovorite na pitanja ispod.
TEKST A (izvor: BastaBalkana )

TEKST B (izvor: Mondo)
TEKST C (izvor: B92)
TEKST D (izvor:Ženars )
Serbian Reading Comprehension - Critical Thinking
- O kojoj biljci se radi?
- Zašto je ona korisna?
- Zašto je štetna?
- Koliki je maksimalan preporučen unos?
- Zašto ne treba jesti više od preporučene doze?
- Koji tekst vam najviše uliva poverenje?
- Koju preporuku biste poslušali i zašto?
Serbian Reading Comprehension - Your opinion
reading comprehension,
Serbian 501,
Serbian 601,
Serbian 701
Friday, October 11, 2019
One of the common and very productive ways of expanding a verb meaning is the process of "prefixation" in Serbian. While in English this additional meaning is conveyed through use of different tenses or prepositions in phrasal verbs, at a sentence level, in Serbian it is achieved through only one word, at the lexicology level.
Today we are talking about PO- prefix and its meanings.
- What is the meaning of the noun ZLATO and verb POzlatiTI?
- What meaning(s) does this prefix add?
- What is the gist of the story?
Today we are talking about PO- prefix and its meanings.
Meaning of Po- Prefix in Serbian
There are five main meanings of PO- prefix when added to a verb. These are as follows:- making a perfective verb out of an imperfective one: jesti - pojesti
- adding up "distributive meaning", often combined with the word "sve": krasti - pokrasti (there will be a special post dedicated to this)
- beginning of the action: leteti - poleteti
- spatial meaning (additional meaning "over") : bacati - pobacati
- action which lasts for a long time: živeti - poživeti
Exercise with Po- Prefix in Serbian
Can you think of any other examples?
Here are some of my ideas:
Here are some of my ideas:
- pokisnuti
- poleteti
- pozlatiti
- pokrenuti
- polupati
- posvađati
- porazbijati
- pokrasti
Examples with Po- Prefix in Serbian Literature
Here comes the famous story Sve će to narod pozlatiti by Laza Lazarević, written back in 1881.
- What is the meaning of the noun ZLATO and verb POzlatiTI?
- What meaning(s) does this prefix add?
- What is the gist of the story?
Prefixes in Serbian,
Serbian 701,
Verb prefixes
Friday, September 27, 2019
In one of the more advanced Serbian language courses, you can learn how to use the following set of phrases to talk about yourself and important occasions when you want to:
- treat someone = častiti / počastiti nekog
- take someone out to a restaurant = izvesit nekog u restoran
as well as reasons
- to retire = otići u penziju
- to graduate = diplomirati
- to enroll = upisati se na fakultet
Serbian 701 - Exercises
Let's just watch again the first part, for about 1 minute, until Boškić goes out of the office. Can you hear the words:
- častim
- moja čast
- slavlje
- upisati akademiju
- upisati fakultet
Slušajte ponovo i pokušajte da čujete:
- Ko časti?
- Zašto časti?
- Kako časti?
- Koga časti?
Exercises with Lesson1, Serbian 701
If you haven't done all the exercises from the previous post, you can do them on this page. Now, we are going to do a brand new exercise and talk about ourselves:
Hajde da vežbamo ove glagole u prošlom vremenu
Govorne vežbe
Posle svih ovih vežbi, vreme je da kažemo nešto o sebi, u kojim prilikama častite prijatelje i porodicu i kako?Friday, March 15, 2019
Nadam se da ste uživali radeći prethodne vežbe i lekcije iz serije Srpski 701. Današnja epizoda je posvećena korupciji i od poslednja dva minuta sam vam napravila nekoliko vežbi.
PRVI KORAK: Odgledati poslednji deo epizode pet i isključiti zvuk. Dok gledate video opišite:
- 1. šta vidite
- 2. koga vidite
- 3. šta mislite da oni rade i kako se osećaju
DRUGI KORAK: Pokušajte da uradite narednu vežbu BEZ slušanja
TREĆI KORAK: Sada odslušajte video još jednom i dopunite/popravite prazna polja koja su ostala
Za još vežbi i ideja za lekcije na različitim nivoima, pratite moj blog na Patreonu. Hvala!