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Showing posts with label Serbian collocations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian collocations. Show all posts

Monday, September 21, 2020

Serbian 401 - Text Comparison

Let me share with you these two versions of the same song. What do you think, which one is the original one?

Serbian 401 - Text Comparison with Serbian Song "The Only One"

Version one


Ostani, da ti kažem nešto još
ostani, ovaj dan je bio loš
ostani, da ne budem više sam
jer je tuga sve što znam
Pričaj mi, makar bajke bile to pričaj mi, ti ćeš otjerati zlo
pričaj mi, nek me umire na čas
tvoje ruke i tvoj glas
Ti si jedina od svih
koja dođe kada treba
ti si sunce moga neba tebi mogu
tebi mogu reći sve Ti si jedina od svih
koja tajne moje čuva
ti si moja ljubav prva za mnom pođeš bilo gdje Ostani, nisi ista, ali znaš
ostani, da mi opet snage daš
pričaj mi, nek me umire na čas
tvoje ruke i tvoj glas Pričaj mi, makar bajke bile to pričaj mi, ti ćeš otjerati zlo
pričaj mi, nek me umire na čas
tvoje ruke i tvoj glas Ref. Ostani, nisi ista, ali znaš
ostani, da mi opet snage daš
pričaj mi, nek me umire na čas
tvoje ruke i tvoj glas

Version two 

Poređenje tekstova na srpskom - Srpski 401


Ostani, da ti kažem nešto još

ostani, ovaj dan je bio loš

ostani, da ne budem više sam

jer je tuga sve što znam

Pričaj mi, makar bajke bile to

pričaj mi, ti ćeš otjerati zlo

pričaj mi, nek me umire na čas

tvoje ruke i tvoj glas


Ti si jedina od svih

koja dođe kada treba

ti si sunce moga neba

tebi mogu

tebi mogu reći sve

Ti si jedina od svih

koja tajne moje čuva

ti si moja ljubav prva

za mnom pođeš bilo gdje

Ostani, nisi ista, ali znaš

ostani, da mi opet snage daš

pričaj mi, nek me umire na čas

tvoje ruke i tvoj glas

Pričaj mi, makar bajke bile to

pričaj mi, ti ćeš otjerati zlo

pričaj mi, nek me umire na čas

tvoje ruke i tvoj glas


Ostani, nisi ista, ali znaš

ostani, da mi opet snage daš

pričaj mi, nek me umire na čas

tvoje ruke i tvoj glas



Snižene tamo cene sad su sve

Spuštene ko to ume ko to smje

Uvek se tamo dobro kupuje

To me stvarno raduje

Napuni ovu korpu nečim još

Uzmi sve i uštedi neki groš

Kupuj sad što nikad nisi pre

To se samo u DISu sme


DIS je jedini od svih 

Koji ima šta ti treba

Dis je sunce moga neba

Tamo manje platim sve

DIS je jedini od svih 

koji moje pare čuva

DIS je moja ljubav prva

Tamo manje platim sve

Postani i ti sada kupac naš

Vidjećeš da to isplati se baš

Priča se na daleko na sav glas

DIS je cene za sve nas


DIS je jedini od svih 

Koji ima šta ti treba

Dis je sunce moga neba

Tamo manje platim sve

DIS je jedini od svih 

koji moje pare čuva

DIS je moja ljubav prva

Tamo manje platim sve

Serbian 401 - Advertising Collocations

  • Snižene cene
  • Spuštene cene
  • Dobro kupovati 
  • Napuniti korpu
  • Uzeti sve
  • Uštedeti groš / novac
  • Ima šta mi treba
  • Platiti manje 
  • Čuvati pare
  • Postati kupac
  • Isplatiti se 
  • Imati cenu za sve

Serbian 401 - Grammar

* Nađite primere sledećih fraza u obe pesme

Primer: DAN + LOŠ = Ovaj dan je bio loš. Loš dan. or RUKE + TVOJ = Tvoje ruke










Monday, February 17, 2020

Serbian 501 - Money Collocations

Common Money Collocations in Serbian

In this lesson we are expanding our vocabulary by learning the collocations about money. Let me list the verbs in both imperfective and perfective aspect, which commonly collocate with the word money (novac or pare)

  • Trošiti - potrošiti novac: to spend money
  • Pozajmljivati - pozajmiti  novac: to borrow/lend money
  • Davati - dati  novac: to give money
  • Štedeti - uštedeti  novac: to save money
  • Bacati - baciti  novac: to throw money away
  • Zarađivati - zaraditi  novac: to earn money
  • Dobijati - dobiti  novac: to get money
  • Skupljati - skupiti  novac: to raise money 

Practicing Money Collocations in Serbian

The common examples are in the following exercise: 

For more video lessons and exercises, check out my Patreon page. Thanks for supporting me!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Serbian 501 - Collocations about News

Serbian 501 - Collocations about News

Poznavanje kolokacija je svakako nešto što nam je preko potrebno kada učimo strani jezik. Danas učimo kolokacije na temu vesti, novosti (the news).

  1. DATI IZJAVU ZA ŠTAMPU - to put out or send out a press release
  2. DRŽATI KONFERENCIJU ZA ŠTAMPU - to have a meeting where a person or organisation makes a public statement and reporters can ask questions
  3. IZAĆI IZ ŠTAMPE - when a newspaper or magazine is printed
  4. IZBITI NA NASLOVNU STRANU - a story printed on the first page of a newspaper
  5. IZJAVA ZA ŠTAMPU - a statement given to the press to publish if they wish
  6. IZVEŠTAVANJE - the reporting of a particular important event or subject
  7. KLEVETA - writing which contains bad information about someone that is not true
  8. MEDIJA - the main means of communication viewed collectively (broadcasting, publishing and the Internet)
  9. NAJNOVIJE VESTI - hot news
  10. OBJAVITI PRIČU - to print/publish a story
  11. ODLIČNE VESTI - excellent / great news
  12. OHRABRUJUĆE VESTI - encouraging news
  13. POSLEDNJE VEST - latest news
  14. PRATITI VESTI - to keep up to date with the news
  15. STARA VEST - old news
  16. TRAGIČNE VESTI - tragic news
  17. TRAŽITI PAŽNJU JAVNOSTI - to want to appear in the media and attract a lot of attention
  18. TUŽITI ZA KLEVETU - to take legal action against somebody or an organisation for writing false information
  19. TUŽNE VESTI - sad news
  20. UŽASNE VESTI - terrible news

Collocations about News - Games

Serbian 501 - Collocations about News, Exercises

Hvala na podršci u pravljenju svakodnevnih lekcija za učenje srpskog na svim nivoima!

Sunday, February 09, 2014

How to Use to Use in Serbian :)

One of the ways to express that you "use" something or something is "useful" in Serbian is to learn all the speech parts of the verb #koristiti, which is connected with our previous post with Present Simple conjugations.

If you use it as a verb: KORISTITI, možete ga koristiti kroz različita vremena i oblike:
  • Present Simple conjugations: koristim- koristiš- koristi // koristimo-koristite-koriste (For example: Koji program koristiš za obradu slika? Koristim "Paint", ali mi se ne sviđa. Da li si video Miletove fotografije? On sigurno koristi nešto drugo!)
  • Radni glagolski pridev - the form used in Past Simple: koristio-koristila-koristilo//koristili-koristile-koristila (e.g. Ma i Mile je koristio "Paint", ali je išao na neki kurs gde su svi koristili "Korel", pa je i on naučio da radi u njemu... a i ja sa njim, tako da sada koristimo isti program.)
  • Trpni glagolski pridev - the form which equals the Past Participle in English, used either in the Passive or as an adjective: korišćen-korišćena-korišćeno//korišćeni-korišćene-korišćena (e.g. Šta je korišćeno pri izradi? ) as well as korišten-korištena-korišteno//korišteni-korištene-korištena
  • Always check this great Logos Conjugator when searching for Serbian verb conjugations!
If you use it as an adjective: KORIStAN. Here are a few examples
  • Ovaj savet je koristan = The advice is very useful.
  • Čuo sam veoma korisnu priču = I heard a very useful story:

If you use it as a noun: KORIST = benefit, or KORIŠĆENJE (upotreba) = use.

Here comes a list of clever thoughts (mudre misli) with this noun - check the link. Meni je najkorisnija i najzabavnija bila ova: (To me the most useful and funniest was this one)
Čovjeku koji je intelektualno viši od drugih, samoća pruža dvogubu korist; prvu, što je sam, i drugu, što nije s drugima :)))) 
Here are a few interesting common phrases and idioms with koristiti & korist:
  • Gde se dvojica svađaju, treći se koristi (verb=glagol) = two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it (similar to "zavadi pa vladaj" = divide and rule, which is more often used)
  • Izvući korist iz nečega =  to turn sometning to good account (Moj prijatelj iz svake situacije izvuče korist )
  • Raditi u korist nečega =in favour of someone, to someone's benefit/advantage (Sud je doneo presudu u našu korist) 
For more similar posts, check out the "Serbian Collocations" tag

Thursday, October 03, 2013

What does Verb "Nositi" Mean in Serbian ?

The verb "nositi" in Serbian has many different translations into English :
  • nositi odeću = to wear clothes
  • nositi  torbu   = to carry a bag
  • nositi dete   = to bear a child
  • nositi se sa problemima = to cope with problems
So, while in English there's a multitude of different words representing only one word in Serbian, there's this very productive prefixation system in our language which will make things complicated. But don't worry ! If you start learning the approximate meanings of Serbian suffixes and prefixes, you'll pretty soon be able to infer the meaning from the context, if you know what the basic stem word means. Let me give you an example with the stem " nositi ", as explained above :
  • pre- = over/ across 
  1. prenositi = to carry over, 
  2. preneti dete = to bear a child longer than it is due, 
  3. preneti dete preko bare = to carry a child over a puddle
  • iz- = out of /thoroughly 
  1. izneti torbu = to carry out a bag, 
  2. iznositi odeću = to wear some clothes for years, 
  3. iznošena odeća = worn out clothes
  • u- = into 
  1. uneti torbu u kuću = to bring a bag into a house
  • s- = downward movement /  it also adds perfective aspect (sth. is finished) 
  1. snositi posledice = to bear the consequences
  2. snositi troškove školovanja = to bear the cost of tuition fees (for example)
  • pod - = to 
  1. podnositi buku = to bear the noise (Kako možeš da podneseš ovu užasnu buku = How can you bear this awful noise ?)
  2. podneti ostavku = to submit a resignation
  3. podneti poraz = to accept a defeat
  4. podnositi ( vreme / pritisak...) = to withstand (weather conditions / pressure)
  • od- = signifies the movement from/ out of or in the opposite direction
  1. odneti = to take sth.to (we took the clothes to them = odneli smo im odeću)
In the next post I'll list a few idioms with the verb "nositi". Watch this space!
If you like this type of blog posts, make sure you don't miss the previous ones covering the verbs:
For those of you who are still coping with the basics, here's a simple video with which you can drill present and past simple, saying sentences such as:
  • On nosi ... / ona nosi ... / ono nosi ...
or in the past
  • On je nosio ... / ona je nosila / ono je nosilo ... or
  • Nosio je... / nosila je ... / nosilo je ... (which is more common and neutral word order)
Here comes the video :

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book