Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label Serbian for beginners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian for beginners. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tic Tac Toe Serbian A1 - Dobar vs. Dobro

 Zdravo! Kako si? Ja sam dobro :)

Do you know when to use DOBAR and when DOBRO? 

If you are not so sure, let's practice with the new TIC TAC TOE video about it. If you want to practice with me, make sure you click on this link: DOBAR - DOBRO set of games

Tic Tac Toe Serbian A1 - Dobar vs. Dobro Video

Tic Tac Toe Serbian A1 - Dobar vs. Dobro Exercises

To download PDF sheets, check out the attachment on my Patreon page

Thursday, July 04, 2019

Easy Reading Exercises in Cyrillic Script

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Getting Ready to Learn New Song in Serbian

The perfect way to get ready to learn a new song in Serbian is to play! Since we are to learn Head and Shoulders song in our next post, let's play with this drag and drop exercise where you can see  how body parts are written both in the Latin and Cyrillic script.

Have fun learning Serbian!

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Learning Serbian with Short and Easy Texts - Routines

Here comes a short text about routines both in Serbian and in English. I hope that my video will help you understand the text in Serbian. There is also a task to be done:
- After listening to me asking and answering questions, you can try to do the same - practice asking questions and giving answers, and recording all that on www.Vocaroo.com

1. Routines - missing verbs

2. Routines - missing pronouns

4. Link to the edited video  with questions and answers written and translated + additional exercises with questions and answers

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Super Easy Serbian - Family Vocabulary with Exercises

      Here are all the links to the exercises covering this video lesson:

    1. Quizlets with MY: moj-mojA-mojE-mojI-mojE-mojA + Family members
2. LearnClick, based on this lesson:

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Serbian for Kids - Lesson 10

While in the previous lesson of Serbian for Kids, I taught you how to pronounce furniture in Serbian and we played with the Present tense conjugations of the verb to have, today we are practicing rooms in a house/ flat and revising the previous lessons by playing games.  
The words we are learning today are as follows:

Sobe = Rooms

  1. TAJ HODNIK = hallway
  2. TAJ BALKON = balcony
  3. TA KUHINJA = kitchen
  4. TA SOBA = room
  5. TA SPAVAĆA SOBA = bedroom
  6. TA DNEVNA SOBA= living room
  7. TA DEČIJA SOBA = children’s room
  8. TA RADNA SOBA = study
  9. TO KUPATILO = bathroom

It would be perfect if you could download the pdf file, print it and try to learn, by playing Quizlet game  https://quizlet.com/82682152/learn 

The video version of this pdf is coming your way tomorrow on my Patreon blog - for the previous and upcoming versions check out this link! 

Saturday, August 12, 2017

How to Practice Speaking Serbian?

If you'd like to practice speaking Serbian and you don't have a clue how, the best way is to do the following:

  1. Pick any of the video lessons I created on my Youtube channel SerbianLessons. For example this one: adjectives in Serbian  
  2. After listening and repeating after me (for as many times as you wish), play the video again, but mute it
  3. Turn on the www.Vocaroo.com / or any other voice recording platform/service and record yourself speaking while watching the muted video
  4. Save your Vocaroo (click Save, and you'll see a shareable link below - don't share it with the world, but simply send it to me to check it out and give you the video feedback - this can be arranged while I still have time)

Speaking Exercise Video - Informal Greetings

With this video the idea is to read the dialogue and fill in the gaps yourself, until the end where you have to remember everything on your own :) The version with the explanation and slow pronunciation is coming tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

His and Her in Serbian

His and Her in Serbian

While his = njegov and her = njen sounds pretty easy and straightforward, there is a little catch. These are possessive adjectives and therefore they agree with the noun they describe. That's why they will have all kinds of suffixes to mirror the main noun in number, case and gender.

Today will stick just to the basic Nominative case and see how NJEGOV and NJEN mirror the gender of the nouns through the following exercises:

HIS and HER in Serbian with a funny photo

Simply look at the photo and write his shirt (njegovA košuljA) or her shirt (njenA košuljA), based on the position of the question in the photo:

His and Her in Serbian

HIS and HER in Serbian with Quizlet

If you have learnt clothes with one of my previous lessons, this one will be a piece of cake = prosto ko pasulj:

If you would like to get all my video lessons with explanations in English, translations and additional exercises like the ones above, in the meaningful order, consider joining me on Patreon.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Most Common Phrases in Serbian

Common Phrases when Saying Goodnight

Here comes a fun commercial which is great for you to practice authentic language, especially the word "laku noć" = goodnight,  you'll see why :)

I couldn't resist creating a short exercise based on it! Simply pull the words listed above to the appropriate gaps.

Common Phrases Task - Saying Goodnight in Serbian

Monday, February 15, 2016

Serbian for Beginners in Cyrillic and Latin Alphabet

Yesterday I made two brand new Quizlet exercises as a follow up of the following video Serbian exercise for beginners, both in the Serbian Cyrillic script and Latin alphabet. 

If you are not sure what some words mean, do check them out with the following flash cards:

Once you feel confident about the meaning of the words, feel free to  do the following exercises in the Cyrillic script:

or Latin Alphabet:

Monday, October 06, 2014

Learn Serbian Really Quickly

This is another fun exercise for real beginners in Serbian. I am sure it won't be difficult for you to figure out which words are missing :) Have fun!

For some help check out the previous posts with some grammar explanations for beginners in Serbian.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Jesam or Sam in Serbian?

After uploading a hundred of videos both from Serbian 101 and Serbian 102 course, and revising each of them, Ivan decided to help me with his 3D effects vidos. So far he's made 30 short videos with the verbs used in the course, in the present and past tense so far, but he plans to make 5 more each day.

I'll post some of them here on the blog, but for the complete version, refer to the Serbian101-102 course. Here comes its short description:

Serbian 101 &102 is perfect for absolute and false beginners in Serbian. It is organized in such a way that you can either follow it chronologically, or choose only the topics you are interested in. Each topic consists of an explanatory video lesson and then video exercises with links to follow-up quizzes with instant feedback. 
There are more than 100 lessons making well over 10 hours of video lessons and exercises which take you from the very start to the pre-intermediate level, covering:
  • Tenses: Present Simple and Past Simple Tense
  • Cases: Nominative, Accusative, Instrumental and Locative
  • Modals: Can, Must
  • Pronouns: Personal and Possessive Pronouns
  • Adjectives: Possessive Adjectives and Noun-adjective Agreement
  • Numbers: Cardinal and Ordinal
as well as basic:
  • functions such as:
    • Greetings
    • Introductions
    • Asking for Clarification/Explanation
    • Asking about Directions
    • Giving Directions
    • Requesting 
    • Offering
    • Expressing Likes and Dislikes
    • Asking about Likes and Dislikes
  • situations such as:
      • Meeting People
      • Small Talk
      • In a Restaurant
      • Shopping
      • Arranging a Meeting
      • Talking about Family
      • Talking about Routines
      • Talking about your Life
  • vocabulary topics such as:
    • Family members
    • Numbers
    • Food
    • Souvenirs
    • Places in a city
    • Countries and Cities
    • Means of transport
    • Colours
    • Jobs and occupations

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Large Numbers in Serbian

If you are familiar with numbers in Serbian, here comes a new lesson from Serbian 102 course which is a bit more complicated. It is about how to pronounce large numbers.

If this simple exercise is too easy, watch this video survey about the year of the Battle of Kosovo and jot down all the numbers you hear:

Monday, March 03, 2014

Exercise with Instrumental Case in Serbian

If you enjoy learning Serbian with easy texts, here comes a very simple one, which is actually a part of Serbian 102 course:

Vocabulary you might need:

PUTOVATI - to travel
NA MORE - to the seaside
U ZAVISNOSTI OD - depending on
ODREDIŠTE - destination
IĆI - to go
A - and/but
NAJVIŠE VOLETI - to love most of all
ZATO ŠTO - because
ZAŽELETI - to wish
SVE VREME - all the time
SVAĐATI SE - to argue
MENI - to me
MOM SUPRUGU - to my husband
POŠTO - because
MIRAN - peaceful
TRAJATI - to last
DUGO - long
Here comes the same text, but in the Cyrillic script:

Monday, October 14, 2013

Baby Steps in Serbian

In order not to neglect the beginners in Serbian, here's  a video lesson about Jeremija without my voice. If you are a real beginner, do watch the version with slow pronunciation before doing the following tasks:

  • Say the sentences based on the facts before the answers show up
  • If that's difficult, try simply to read the answers (help)
  • If that's too easy, try to ask the appropriate questions for Jeremija's answers

Monday, September 02, 2013

Asking Questions in Serbian - Present Simple

Let me show you one more video in the series called Easy Texts in Serbian. This time you have to ask direct questions about the word which is in red.

For example: "Zovem se Tanja" - your task is to ask:

  • "Kako se zoveš ?" informal 
  • "Kako se zovete ?" formal

For the following questions start with these question words:

  • Gde ... (where)
  • Kako ... (how) 
  • Koliko godina ... (how old)
  • Kakvi ...  (what...like)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Talking about Yourself in Serbian

In the previous post with easy Serbian texts, you were able to learn a few facts about Branko and his family.

Today's exercise is from the same Serbian 101 course, but this time your job is to look at the photo with some facts about Milan, and then make a short story and tell it along with this video:

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Serbian for Children - Numbers

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Use e-Book with Serbian Lessons ?

It took me some time to realize that Serbian 101 e-book, with over 40 video lessons and exercises and more than 3 hours of content, needs a short video with instructions how to use it ! I hope this video helps!

The complete course can be found on this page.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Easy Serbian Lessons -365 days of Serbian

If you downloaded Serbian 101 e-book, you can easily access the video lessons explaining how to use the verb TO BE and practice both writing and speaking with it:

Uvod = Introduction

Watch the videos and try to pronounce the personal pronouns  and the verb TO BE together.

Video with explanations
To Be - Classroom Practice
Online Exercise 1
 Online Exercise 2

Let me remind you that the previous beginner lessons can be found under Serbian for beginners tag, as well as on SerbianLesson pages.

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book