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Showing posts with label Serbian in city. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian in city. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Advanced Serbian - Buildings, City Life and Urbanism

Advanced Serbian će biti serija video priloga uz koje ćete moći da čujete lep srpski jezik, proširite i obogatite vokabular uživajući u raznovrsnim temama.

Prvi u ovom nizu će biti naredni video od pet sati  koji će vam otkriti prelepe zgrade Beograda, kao i zaboravljene priče iz davnih, i ne tako davnih vremena. Sigurna sam da ćete uživati uz živopisne detalje i korisne kolokacije koje ću podeliti s vama putem vežbi u narednim javljanjima.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Places in the City - Video Exercise

If you haven't been to Novi Sad, you'll surely look forward to visiting it after you watch this video by Daniel Erdeg :

You can also practise making simple sentences as I did in the classroom exercise and prepare to do one or few tasks based with this video explanation (if necesarry, check the vocabulary video):
  • Exercise for Serbian 102: What can you see ? Šta vidite ?

  • Exercise for Serbian 201: Šta se nalazi ispred Vas / s leve ili desne strane ? Šta ste videli ? or Šta ćete videti kada dođete u Novi Sad

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Useful phrases and links for tourists coming to Novi Sad

AUTOBUS - bus / coach

VOZ - train

TROLEJBUS - trolley-bus


BICIKL - bicycle

AVION - plane

AUTOBUSKA STANICA - bus/ coach station
POLAZAK / POLASCI - departure
DOLAZAK / DOLASCI - arrivals
ŽELEZNIČKA STANICA - railway station
AERODROM - airport

KOLIKO KOŠTA ... - how much is ...

AUTOBUSKA KARTA - bus ticket
VOZNA KARTA - railway ticket
ULAZNICA - entrance fee
RENTIRANJE - renting of

ULICA - street

GLAVNA ULICA - main street

MOST -bridge

PARK - park

REKA - river

ŠKOLA - school

HOTEL - hotel

CRKVA - church

KATEDRALA - cathedral

MUZEJ - museum

POZORIŠTE - theatre

RESTORAN - restaurant

PAB - pub

KAFE - cafe

BOLNICA - hospital

CENTAR GRADA - city centre/ downtown


PIJACA - market

ŠOPING CENTAR - shopping centre

KAMP - camp

EXIT - izlaz


TVRĐAVA - fortress


POLICAJAC - policeman

POLICIJSKA STANICA - police station

KONZULAT - consulate

AMBASADA -embassy

******************* phrases in context:
HOW MUCH IS...? - koliko košta ...?
WHERE IS ... ? - gde je ... ?
(for pronunciation check this video)
possible answers :
THERE - tamo
TURN - skreni
(ON THE) LEFT - levo
(ON THE) RIGHT - desno
GO - idi / idite
STRAIGHT - pravo

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book