Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label intermediate Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intermediate Serbian. Show all posts

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Serbian 401 - Mala istorija Srbije

Srpski 401 se bazira na preslatkoj mini seriji koja se zove Mala istorija Srbije, o kojoj sam pisala pre pet godina (vreme baš leti = time really flies by)!

Hajde da ponovo pogledamo prvu epizodu i uradimo sledeće vežbe:

Don't forget that for more exercises like this one with explanations and video lessons with slow pronunciation you can join Patreon page, tier one.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Listening and Reading Serbian

Unfortunately, there are too few Serbian videos with subtitles in Serbian. Whenever I come across one, I do my best to share it with you. I hope that with BBC in Serbian comeback, there will be more and more videos with subtitles covering interesting topics, like this one about how to live without waste = kako živeti bez otpada:

Monday, September 09, 2019

Serbian Intermediate - Listening Comprehension, King's Chicken

Besides a wonderful recipe for King's Chicken, you will hear three stories about the origin of this simple and tasty dish. Let's listen the following video first.

You can listen to the video as many times as you want, try to listen to it a bit slower (change speed to 0.75) and write down at least one short story on our joint Padlet :) Simply click twice on the background and start writing. There is no need for you to write your name! Have fun :)

  1. Prva priča - link  
  2. Druga priča - link
  3. Treća priča - link

Made with Padlet

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Reading Comprehension Exercises at Intermediate Level

Here is one fun exercise where you have to carefully watch the photo below and then decide what was the first face you noticed as you were watching it = Evo jedne zabavne vežbe gde treba da pažljivo gledate sliku ispod i odlučite se koje lice ste prvo primetili dok ste je gledali:

Da biste saznali rešenje testa možete da odete na ovu stranicu i pročitate objašnjenje. ALI pre nego što kliknete na odgovore, pogedajte ponuđene vežbe!

Vežba 1:
Ako radite ovu vežbu u parovima, bilo bi interesantno da samo jedan od vas pročita rešenje a drugi da zaključi koje ste lice videli na osnovu opisa vaše ličnosti. 

Vežba 2: Na osnovu slike izaberite tekst i pročitajte ga u prvom licu jednine

Na primer: Prema ovom tekstu, ja sam miroljubiva osoba. ŽeliM  da mir i harmonija uvek budu u ______ svetu, zbog toga izbegava_ bilo kakve sukobe...Mnogo vremena provodi_ planirajući ____ budućnost i zbog toga je ____ glavni izazov da nauči_ da veruje__. Promenjiv_ sam i verovatno ima_ nekoliko različitih hobija i zbog toga ___ je teško da se usmeri_ na samo jedan. U ____ ličnosti nema ništa negativno.

Vežba 3: Prepričajte tekst koji vas opisuje koristeći sinonime / antonime /slične fraze da biste što više izmenili izvorni tekst. Evo primera o mojoj ličnosti:

1. biti miroljubiva osoba = ne biti ratoborna osoba (ant.)
2. harmonija = sklad (sin.)
3. izbegavati = zaobići (sin.)
4. planirati = praviti planove (fr.)
5. promenjiv = nestalan (sin.)
6. teško = nije lako (ant.)
7. usmeriti se na = fokusirati se na (sin.)

Vežba 4: Pogoditi kakva je druga osoba, da biste saznali koje je lice druga osoba prvo primetila.

1. Da li si miroljubiva osoba? 
2. Da li voliš sklad i mir? 

Saturday, May 05, 2018

Serbian 301 - The Accusative

Let's practice your listening skills with the following exercise, which is based on this video. You can do this exercise in two ways:
  1. Try to drag the words in the gaps based on their meaning and then listen to the audio to check.
  2. Listen to the audio and then drag the words into the gaps. 

Have fun!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Serbian Lessons - Imperative of "To Be"

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Parts of Speech - Exercise for Intermediate Level

One of the best ways to expand your Serbian vocabulary is to learn different parts of speech. I know it may sound difficult, but if you approach it as a game, nothing is difficult = ništa nije teško:

Don't forget to revise the previous lessons at the intermediate level!

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Intermediate Serbian Lessons - 365 Days of Serbian

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Intermediate Serbian - Verb Aspect, lesson 3

Before we continue with the video lessons focusing on aspect differences, let's be impratctical and  talk only about the grammar today:

As you probably noticed in the previous post for the intermediate level, one can turn an imperfective verb into a perfective one by adding a prefix (buditi - probuditi ,  razbuditi ). But this is not the only way to change an aspect of a verb. You can also:

  • add a prefix to the verb and it becomes perfective 
  • add a suffix to the verb and it becomes perfective (dremati - dremNUti)
  • alter the stem (odmoriti - odmarati, which I explained in the previous post)
But, we have to be cautious with the process of prefixation ! Quite often the meaning of the verb does not bear only the difference in aspect ( whether the action is complete or incomplete: "I wrote" - "I was writing" : Napisao sam = Pisao sam). It more frequently bears a new layer of meaning,  like the ones mentioned in "buditi" becoming perfective in "probuditi" or "razbuditi", so we need to  use phrasal verbs in English to accurately convey the additional meaning.

Let me give you a few examples of:
  • clear-cut distinction pefective-imperfective (without any additonal meanings):
  1. pisati - napisati (to be writing - to have written/wrote)
  2. čitati - pročitati (to be reading - to have read/ read )
  • the prefix adding new meanings :
  1. igrati - odigrati / izigrati / zaigrati  (to be playing - to have played / to play up / to play upon* these translations are incomplete and need to be read in  the sentences, which will be the aim of our future lessons at this level )
  2. pisati -  prepisati (to copy) / zapisati (to jot down) / upisati (to enroll)
Until the next lesson, do practise the aspect in Serbian by doing some fun exercises published in the previous posts:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Serbian Language Day 10 - Aspect in Serbian

I hope you enjoyed revising the Simple Past in Serbian and wondering why the last lesson was so easy for someone at an intermediate level. The obvious reason is the introduction into this tense, because it'll lead us to the trickiest aspect of the Serbian language:

While in the English language there's an elaborate system of tenses (level of syntax) in order to express whether an action took place, was talking place or has been talking place, in the Serbian language, these distinctions are inferred mainly from the verb, at the lexical level. For example:
  • odmorio (had a rest) or odmarao (was having a rest)
That's why I prepared quite a lot video lessons about Jeremija and Spomenka, and the follow-up exercises, hoping that it'll help you clarify the aspect in Serbian. Let me start with this  difficult one, but if it's too easy, check this one out :)

  • PROBUDITI = to wake up (perfective)
  • BUDITI = to wake up (imperfective)
  • RAZBUDITI = to wake up (perfective)
Kada se obično budiš ? = When do you usually wake up ?
Koliko ti treba vremena da se probudiš ? = How much time does it take for you to wake up ?
Kada si se jutros probudio ? When did you wake up yesterday ?
Jutros sam se probudio u pola šest (5.30) = This morning I woke up at 5.30

In the "she-version", Jeremija made a few mistakes. Here're the correct text:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Serbian Language 365 Day 3 - Intermediate level & Past Tense

Let's practise the Simple Past Tense in the Serbian language. While the beginner and pre-intermediate courses of Serbian  focus is on phrases, present tense, modals and cases, the intermediate course focuses on aspects, explaining the subtle differences between "odmarati" and "odmoriti" and similar.

Since we are at the very beginning of everyday Serbian lesson series, let me introduce you to some of the earlier posts covering this topic:
...as well as one of the Youtube videos, which somehow connect with the yesterday's post, so now it can be easily understood:

Text : "Gde si bila ?" (Fem. Sg.) / "Gde si bio?" (Masc. Sg.) = Where were you ?
Fem. Sg. Bila sam u ...
Masc. Sg. Bio sam u ...

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book