I'm sure you've thoroughly practised the verb "videti" with the video lesson with gadgets and appliances and the "conjugator video". Now it's time to learn to recognize different parts of speech with this verb through the list of common phrases and idioms in Serbian :
Verb form: VIDETI
Verb form: VIDETI
- Ooo, koga to vidim ! = expressing surprise when you see someone (As I leve and breathe!; Well, what do you know; Lo and behold)
- Imaš šta da vidiš! = something worth seeing ( A sight for sore eyes, Something to look at; A million-dollar look)
- Sad GA vidiš, sad GA ne vidiš = a fly-by-night (an unreliable, dishonest person) / now you see it, now you don't (a magician's trick)
- Što video, ne video = to turn a blind eye on sth.; mum's the word (to pretend not to have seen anything)

Noun form: VID (sight), VIDelo (sight / light), VIDik (view/perspective)
- Izneti (nešto) na videlo = to bring something to light (to reveal); to bring soemthing into the open
- Izgubiti (nešto) iz vida = to lose sight of something
- Imati (nešto) u vidu = to bear in mind, to take into account, to keep sight of something
- Nestati sa vidika = to recede from view / to vanish into thin air / to fade away
Gerund or "glagolska imenica" : VIĐENJE (ending in -nje, which corresponds with English -ing)
- Do (skorog) viđenja = so long (a farewell)
- Poznavati nekog iz viđenja = to know someone by sight / to have a nodding acquaintance with someone
Past Participle or Trpni glagolski pridev (adjective): VIĐEN (ending in -n or -t, which corresponds with English -ed or PP form of the verb)
- Rado viđen = popular, in high favour